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How Much Money Should You Bring on a Trip to the Dominican Republic?

How much money you should plan to bring on a trip to the Dominican Republic can vary greatly depending on your travel style, planned activities, and personal preferences. A trip to the DR can be relatively inexpensive if you stay in hostels or guesthouses. An all-inclusive resort will cost much more. Dining out at local restaurants or street vendors, or cooking at home if you rent a house will be more inexpensive than eating at high-end restaurants. If you plan to travel around the island, you should factor in the cost of a rental car. Buses and taxis are also options in the DR. You should also think about what kind of activities you’d like to do while on your trip and look into the costs before you travel.

How much money is right for you will be determined by how you travel. So do your research before you book your trip, make a budget, and stick to it. On any trip, it is also always wise to set aside an emergency fund. Online money transfer services can be a backup option for you if something unexpected happens while you are traveling. Set up an account with an online money transfer service before you leave your home country for that extra peace of mind while you travel in the Dominican Republic.

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